The Orange Lilly "O"

The Orange Lilly "O"

Saturday 14 May 2011

Dolly's Brae (V)

It being the twelfth day of July in the year of forty-nine,
Five hundred of our Orange men together did combine
In memory of King William on that bright and glorious day
To march around Lord Roden's park and over Dolly's Brae
To march around Lord Roden's park and over Dolly's Brae.

And when we got to Weirsbridge sure it was a glorious sight
To see so many Orangemen all ready for to fight
To march around the ould remains our music sweet to play
And the tune we played was the Protestant Boys right on to Dolly's Brae
And the Tune we played was the Protestant Boys right on to Dolly's Brae

Just then two priests came up to us and to Mr Biers did say:
"Come turn your men the other road and never cross Dolly's Brae."
"Begone, begone, you papish dogs, you've hardly time to pray
Before we throw your carcasses right over Dolly's Brae
Before we throw your carcasses right over Dolly's Brae."

And when we came to that great hill they were ranked on every side
And offering up their papish prayers for help to stem the tide
But we loosed our guns upon them and we quickly won the day
And we knocked five hundred papishes right over Dolly's Brae
And we knocked five hundred papishes right over Dolly's Brae

So now my song at last I'll end, my pen I will throw down,
And wish success to every man supports the British Crown
And generations yet unborn will mind this place of yore
For we named the spot King William's Ridge and Dolly's Brae no more.
For we named the spot King William's Ridge and Dolly's Brae no more.

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